Virtual Assessments
Sign up today for a virtual Home Energy Assessment
Due to the COVID-19 social distancing guidelines, we have suspended in-home work for the time being. However, you can still benefit from a virtual Mass Save home energy assessment. If needed we’ll send you no-cost energy-saving advanced power strips, showerheads, and more! Best of all, the cost of approved insulation and other weatherization will be
75% covered by Mass Save!
How Does It Work?
A home energy specialist will call you at a chosen date and time. We’ll get photos of your home’s interior to help us put togeher your custom report.
With the information gathered over the call, we’ll mail you a package of advanced power strips, water-saving shower heads and more.
We’ll provide personalized recommendations such as adding insulation or heating system replacement. Insulation installation will be completed once in-home work starts again. All approved insulation and other weatherization services are provided to you at 75% of the total project cost.
What's Required to complete a VEA?
- You need a smartphone capable of taking and sending pictures.
- You'll need to take 15-20 pictures around your home and submit them before your appointment.
- You need to be willing to install shower heads and power strips.
- You should be comfortable filling out forms electronically.
Do You Qualify?
- You must live in Massachusetts and be a customer of National Grid, Eversource, or Columbia Gas.
- If you are on fuel payment assistance, you will not be eligible.
- You can only have an assessment once every three years.
- You must live in a single-family home or building with 4 units or fewer.